Aerobic Gym
Fed up of hotel’s empty and dark Gyms, relegated in basements or unpleasant positions, we have decided to improve the environment placing our Gym in the best zone of our hotel. The dining room is on lake view, surrounded by glass windows and it will seem to you as though you are about to dive into Lake Garda. Our objective has been to create a Gym only for aerobic training, to avoid falling out of your body shape even whilst on holidays. Our staff will be at your service, to illustrate the use of our equipment and to suggest aerobic training programmes for one or two hours, depending on your requirements and physical state. The equipments at the disposal of our clients are of BH Fitness, Line flex and Dunlop line. .

Enhances the feeling of general well being, lowering of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) increasing HDL (triglycerides good cholesterol). Improves blood glucose and insulin and increases oxygen consumption. Great help in body fat mass reduction with improvement of muscle mass. At the end of it all…brings along; self esteem. Possibility to program your training according to your personal needs and capacity..

Is an innovative full workout for the body. From the joint, ankles, knees to the spine. Involving both leg muscles than those of the upper body. Stimulates all major muscle groups and specifically the metabolism to ‘burn’ the excess fat. Other benefits are; training of cardiovascular system, muscle toning and firming and improvement of respiratory capacity. Particularly of help to those avoiding dangerous movements for the spine or awakening of old back injuries. Advisable rehabilitative purposes, joint pains and those associated to arthritis.

Spinning Bike
Spinning is a great workout and with some music with it, it’ll all be about fun and following the rhythm. Even though it is an exercise for which you must have high resistance. The good thing is that it includes several speeds and it is the rider that controls the resistance. Ideal for the cardiovascular system, calorie burning and simply keeping the muscles in good shape.

Provides a low impact workout. Combines cardiovascular work with lower body and leg toning. The force on the knees, ankles, feet and other body parts that occur with walking or running can cause discomfort in the joints, irritate old injuries or produce new ones. A stationary cyclette is a non weight bearing exercise that reduces impact on these parts. Fit for the young as it keeps up your aerobic resistance and for the elderly; helps in avoiding age problems like osteoporosis and for post traumatic treatments.

Power Vibration Plate
Offers a range of benefits; first of all for the Peripherical circulation, adjuvant in the stimulation of metabolism, hormone system, for the bone tissues. Stimulates the body’s natural response to vibrations throughout the body, activating muscle contractions between 25 and 50 times per second. In the elderly it gives stability of posture, balance and has low impact on ligaments. 10 minutes per day are all you need…

Boxing Trainer
Tones abdomen and arms. Great help in strengthening of lower back muscles. Very useful when you can not discharge your tension on who got you so tensed….Release all your stress on our punching bag and as soon as you know it all you’ll be doing is having fun!!!